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Boosting Agriculture: The Essential Biostimulant

Nature Seaweeds

Nature seaweeds have been used to improve soil conditions for over 1000 years.

It is a core component in biological agriculture which is an indispensable biostimulant that can provide several beneficial properties.

Seaweed has been widely used by coastal farming communities around the world for many years. Farmers have noted that supplementing animal diets with seaweed produces healthier, better-conditioned livestock as seaweed is a natural, organic, and balanced source of vitamins and minerals.

More than 50 different nutrient elements and many trace elements are found in it.

Benefits 1

Support for plants over stressful times especially after severe weather conditions – like excessive rain or heat, transplant shock or set back.

Benefits 2

  • Stronger plants with greater vigor
  • protection from marginal frosts

Benefits 3

  • Plants stay longer in production
  • Improved root formation
  • Improved survival of seedlings

Benefits 4

  • Resistance to mildew and other diseases
  • General increase in health, so less insect damage
  • Produce travels better and has longer shelf life

GGOG Seaweed Extract

Product Feature: Black or brown powder/flake, water soluble, PH:8-10 

Main ingredients: Alginic Acid: 8- 20%, organic matter >= 50%, N >= 0.5%, P202 >= 3.0%, K20 >= 18%

Much secondary element, microelements, cytokinin, betaine, yitamin, trehalase, amino acid.

SeaBiscuit StockAid

The Sea Biscuits® StockAid is an innovative nutritional supplement specifically formulated for animals. Fortified with 100% organic seaweed powder to naturally deliver essential vitamins and minerals to maximize feed efficiency. 

SOS Liquid Kelp

The Southern Ocean Seaweeds (SOS ® ) Liquid Kelp is produced from Nature Australian Durvillaea Potatorum (Bull Kelp) which contains a rich source of trace elements, minerals, alginic acid, amino acid, and an array of complex organic compounds.