Compound Seaweed Protein Feed
Compound Seaweed Protein Feed
Seaweed protein feed, seaweed protein feed is kelp as raw material, after full immersion, washing, digestion, and other processes to extract alginate floating scum prepared by calcification with natural seaweed flavor feed, has good attractant and Improve the quality of performance, widely used in chicken feed, dairy feed, pig feed and other animal feed and aquatic animal feed.
Degummed seaweed powder is natural seaweed-taste feed made from seaweed and through a technical process of soaking, screening and washing, disgesting, impurities removing, etc. to extract floating scum of sodium alginate by calcification extractor. As a kind of natural and highly effective feed supplement, the seaweed powder contains plenty of mineral elements such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and abundant vitamins. This product can not only promote animals’ growth and development, increase in weight, improve the quality of meat and reduce feed coefficient, but also can prevent various diseases. As a cheaper alternative against expensive trace mineral elements additives and vitamins additives. It can be widely used in animal feed and aquatic animal feed which will greatly save the cost. This product is the newest developed pure natural materials in the world.